The Big Question

What is Ozone?

  • Ozone is a gas that is naturally present in our atmosphere.

  • Ozone's chemical formula is O3 because an ozone molecule contains three oxygen atoms.

  • Ozone was discovered in laboratory experiments in the mid-1800s.

  • Ozone's presence in the atmosphere was later discovered using chemical and optical measurement methods.

  • The word Ozone is derived from the Greek word "ozein", which means "to smell".

  • Ozone has a pungent odor that allows it to be detected even in very small amounts.

  • Ozone reacts rapidly with many chemical compounds and is explosive in concentrated amounts.

  • Electrical discharges are generally used to produce Ozone for industrial processes such as air and water purification, as well as, the bleaching of textiles and food products.

Source: 2010/twentyquestions/Q1.pdf

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Ambient Ozone
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