Attainment Actions

Action on Ozone

  • Always try to conserve electricity... especially during the summer.

  • Buy and use energy efficient power equipment.

  • Avoid spilling gasoline and don't overfill your vehicle when getting gas.

  • Reduce waste and dispose of solvents, pesticides and paints in the proper manner (LDEQ Recommendations and Environmental Laws).

  • Make sure that you always seal containers of household cleaners, garden chemicals, paints and solvents.

  • Properly maintain your vehicles and all gas powered equipment.

  • Try to organize your trips by combining errands together.

  • Walk or use a bicycle instead of driving short distances.

  • Try to drive at a constant speed. Always start and break smoothly.

  • Carpool or share rides with other individuals.

  • Always cut your grass in the evening when it is cooler.

  • Don't idle your car unnecessarily for long periods of time.

  • Don't run your air conditioning in your car when not necessary.

  • Always maintain proper tire inflation on your vehicles.

Jumping Girl

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Ambient Ozone
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