"Are Your Answers on Target?"

  1. Why are colors always used to indicate the level of AQI Ozone concentrations?

    Using a color format is an easy method to associate the various AQI Index categories with the recommended actions required. Traffic lights use a similar system where "Green" is good to go, while "Yellow" indicates caution, and "Red" requires a stop. The AQI uses these colors and includes the colors Orange and Purple. Colored flags can be easily displayed, seen at distances, and quickly display the related AQI Index level.

  2. Where are the locations of the closest ambient air monitoring stations to your home and school?

    Depending on your specific location, Vinton, Carlyss, Lake Charles Lighthouse Lane, McNeese, and Westlake stations are all acceptable answers.

  3. What is the highest level of Ozone that is reported on most websites and monitoring reports?

    300 parts per million (ppm) air concentration levels.

  4. What actions would you take if the AQI reported a purple level of Ozone concentration?

    Definitely restrict all outdoor activities and stay indoors. Spread the message by contacting your friends, family, and neighbors.

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