"Are Your Answers Correct?"

  1. What medical conditions are triggered or affected by exposure to Ozone?

    Ozone can aggravate lung diseases such as asthma, emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

  2. Can high ambient levels of Ozone affect even healthy people?

    Yes, even healthy people can be harmed through irritation and possible inflammation to airways. Ozone exposure can cause coughing and a sore or scratchy throat.

  3. What sectors of the population are sensitive to Ozone and why?

    The very young and old along with pregnant women. People with lung and heart disease will also be vulnerable.

  4. Can even low concentrations of Ozone be harmful and why or why not?

    Anyone who actively works and plays outside is at risk of harm from low levels of Ozone.

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Ambient Ozone
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