"Did You Get These Answers?"

  1. How is ground-level Ozone created?

    Ground level Ozone is created as a product of the reaction between molecules of VOC and NOx.

  2. What are VOCs and where do these chemicals originate?

    Volatile Organic Carbons (VOC). Some VOCs are natural molecules while others such as paints, varnishes, wax, fuels, cleaning, disinfecting, cosmetic, degreasing, and hobby products are man-made.

  3. What are NOx and where do these chemicals originate?

    NOx molecules contain various amounts of nitrogen and oxygen atoms. These molecules result when fuel is burned in homes, businesses, industry, and vehicles.

  4. What variables affect the amount of Ozone that is created?

    Variables such as population, sunlight, and temperature levels affect the amounts of Ozone produced.

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Ambient Ozone
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