Health and Bad Ozone

(Page 2 of 5 Pages)

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How do scientists know about the health effects of ozone?

Here's What the EPA Had to Say...

The EPA has gathered a great deal of information about the health effects of ozone. This information comes from a number of sources, including animal research, studies that compare health statistics and ozone levels within communities, and controlled testing of human volunteers to determine how ozone affects lung function. In these studies, volunteers are exposed to ozone in specially designed chambers where their responses can be carefully measured. Volunteers are prescreened in medical examinations to determine their health status, and they are never exposed to ozone levels that exceed those found in major cities on a very smoggy day. Though our understanding of ozone's effects has increased substantially in recent years, many important questions still remain to be investigated.

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Source: EPA-452/K-99-001, July 1999, Page 4,

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